2022年5月11日· Briefing Room Statements and Releases On 150th Anniversary Of 1872 Mining Law, BidenHarris Administration Convenes Representatives from States, Tribes, The Mining Industry, Environmental2022年2月22日· The IWG released a list of BidenHarris Administration fundamental principles for mining reform to promote responsible mining under strong social,FACT SHEET: Securing a Made in America Supply Chain for Critical
1 天前· If the world is to decarbonise, it will need 65bn tonnes of metals between now and 2050, according to the Energy Transitions Committee, a thinktank—and notSpecifically, the SE regulates the mining activities in the country through the General Directorate of Mines (DGM) and General Directorate of Mining Development (DGDM)5 Mining regulation in selected countries OECD iLibrary
2021年6月11日· Government of Canada releases Policy Statement on future thermal coal mining projects and project expansions From: Environment and Climate Change2022年12月7日· The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, has today published the government’s new 'Policy Statement on MineralMinister Ryan publishes the government’s new Policy Statement
2021年9月1日· Such politicalinstitutional factors in the mining context are referred to as “governance” in the literature, which widens the concept's field of application to include2023年9月12日· The New York Times For a Pittance, Miners Can Work Public Land There’s a Push to Make Them Pay The Biden administration is asking Congress toFor a Pittance, Miners Can Work Public Land There’s a Push to
LIMA, Nov 24 (Reuters) Peru's government said on Wednesday that mining companies could seek permission to extend operations, a notable shift in stance after officials had appeared to rule out2023年5月9日· The proposed Mining Development and Closure Proposals (MDCP) and Approvals Statements framework will further streamline regulation, reduce administrative burden and create efficiencies around managing compliance The MDCP will be a single document that increases the efficiency of applications for mining operations and theNew framework to further streamline mining activities
Workshop on Offshore Exploration: Synergies and Opportunities at Mangalore 15Feb2024 MoU was signed between Geological Survey of India and Survey of India 08Feb2024 Road Show on 1st Tranche of Auction of Critical and Strategic Mineral Blocks at Bhubaneswar, Odisha 07Feb20242020年6月12日· The Government’s policy is set out in the 'Policy Statement on Mineral Exploration and Mining Critical Raw Materials for the Circular Economy Transition' Minerals are, and will continue to be, essential to our daily lives and to achieving netzero greenhouse gas emissions across several sectors, including renewable powergov Minerals
Key findings from the strategic environmental assessment conducted for the statement by the Government of Canada on thermal coal mining Thermal coal is used in coalfired electricity plants and supplies 40% of the world’s electricity demand; however, it is a significant source of global CO 2 emissions According to the International EnergyThe White Paper on Responsible Mining has been drafted by the IAPG Task Group on Responsible Mining Drafting Committee: Nikolaos Arvanitidis, Jan Boon, Pekka Nurmi, Giuseppe Di Capua With the contribution of: Vitor Correia, Roberto Lencina, David Ovadia, Mark Rachovides, Ian Thomson Approved by the IAPG Executive Council on 1thWhite Paper on Responsible Mining IAPG
2023年9月12日· The report was informed by input received at dozens of meetings — including with industry, states, stakeholders, and the public — multiple governmenttogovernment consultations with Tribes, and a review of over 26,000 comments from the mining industry, state officials, equipment manufacturers, academics, legal experts,Introduction The Mineral and coal exploration statement (Exploration statement) signals the NSW Government’s approach to promoting and facilitating active and responsible exploration activity to achieve its aim to be the preferred Australian jurisdiction for exploration and mining investment This includes the Government’s support forMineral and coal exploration statement | Mining, Exploration and
13 November 2023 Dear Fellow South African, The fight against illegal mining is seeing results Last week, the Ministers in government’s Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster reported on significant progress in curbing this criminal activity and arresting those responsible A central part of this effort are the specialised Illegal2023年8月10日· Kuvimba Mining House, an entity that is 65% controlled by the Zimbabwe government, now has full control of the project’s developer, Great Dyke InvestmentsMinister highlights Zimbabwe mining sector’s growth potential
2023年10月30日· UK announces support for moratorium on granting of exploitation licences for deep sea mining by the International Seabed Authority The UK government has today announced its support for measures2021年6月11日· To provide greater certainty to investors, the mining sector and Canadians generally, the Government of Canada is today clarifying its position on new thermal coal mines and expansion projects in this country The continued mining and use of coal for energy production anywhere in the world is not environmentally sustainable and does notStatement by the Government of Canada on thermal coal mining
2022年12月7日· This policy adopts the government’s sustainable development principles, supplementing the high level of environmental protection enforced on modern and future prospecting and mining in Ireland" Acknowledging that public consultations on the granting or renewal of certain mineral prospecting licences have given rise to public and political2021年12月17日· In November, the Nigerian government unveiled plans to revise its crucial mining law, the Nigeria Minerals and Mining Act (NMMA) The outdated law, which hasn’t been updated since 2007, is accused ofAll you need to know about Nigeria’s new mining
2023年2月7日· Investors, mining companies, government ministers, international press and other industry stakeholders should not miss this opportunity to network with the global mining industry President Cyril Ramaphosa is also expected to address the delegates For more information: Julian LeshiloSebake Tel: 060 961 2194 Email:2021年11月22日· paul c kabuswe, mp – minister of mines and minerals development on government’s position and strategy for the mining sector MADAM SPEAKER, I THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THIS OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE AND THE NATION AT LARGE ON THE POSITION AND STRATEGY FOR THE MINING SECTORMINISTERIAL STATEMENT BY HON PAUL C KABUSWE, MP –
2022年9月16日· Following the President’s Executive Order, New Reports Outline Recommendations to Protect Consumers, Investors, Businesses, Financial Stability, National Security, and the Environment Theare of most practical relevance to mining companies’ activities The new standards on joint arrangements, consolidated financial statements and disclosure of interests in other entities will be of particular interest to companies in the mining sector The debate about specific guidance for exploration, evaluation, development and production ofFinancial reporting in the mining industry International PwC
2023年10月30日· “As we made clear in our report last month on the Arctic environment, melting sea ice opens up opportunities for mining critical minerals But as a result of the risks to this precious and vulnerable environment, we called on the Government to back a moratorium to deep sea mining until we can properly determine its impactmining reform should assure that a reliable and sustainable supply of critical minerals can be provided both through environmentally and socially responsible mining and processing projects and other sustainable sources” 3 Third, efforts to address mineral supply chain challenges are complicated by the General Mining LawRecommendations to Improve Mining on Public Lands
2024年1月3日· Advertisement Jimmy Maladina, the viceminister assisting the Prime Minister, reaffirmed the Papua New Guinea Government's commitment to the recently negotiated agreements regarding the reopening of the Porgera gold mine His remarks came in response to statements made by KompiamAmbum MP Sir John Pundari last week,2023年5月17日· Biden administration clarifies 1872 Mining Law; says huge Nevada lithium mine can proceed A “No Lithium No Mine” sign is displayed on April 24, 2023, on the Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation, near McDermitt, Nev The Biden administration says it has completed a courtordered review that should ensure construction continues at theBiden administration clarifies 1872 Mining Law; says huge Nevada
2023年1月5日· 27022023 Canada’s Mining Dominance and Failure to Protect Environmental and Human Rights Abroad 23022023 Catherine Coumans Testifies Before Standing Committee on International Trade 06022023 ADVISORY: Public Demonstration Calling for a Global Moratorium on DeepSea Mining 020220232021年8月27日· President Rodrigo Duterte’s recent decision to overturn a nationwide moratorium on new mining projects, which had been in place since 2012, was lauded by mining and business entities and criticizedDuterte Says Yes to Mining in the Philippines But at
2023年1月25日· Mining of high purity quartz and potential silicon production used to make solar panels and semiconductors The facility is part of a $150 million commitment announced in the 20222023 State Budget Update in December 2022 for common user infrastructure to support the development, extraction and production of critical mineralsProposed large mining and petroleum projects are required to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) before an application for an environmental authority or resource authority can be issued If a project requires an EIS, you will be able to have your say on the EIS and the project’s potential environmental, economic and social impactsEnvironmental impact statements Queensland Government
2022年4月12日· Hydrogen and mining industry heavy weights making moves in CQ Published Tuesday, 12 April, 2022 at 10:43 AM Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics Infrastructure The Honourable Dr Steven Miles A proposed multi2023年6月27日· The Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk unveiled the Queensland Critical Mineral Strategy at the World Mining Congress in Brisbane today The new strategy positions Queensland as a global leader in delivering the critical minerals the world needs to move to a netzero emissions future The Strategy will oversee a $245 million investmentStrategy to grow Queensland’s critical mineral sector
19 July 2023 – A group of 37 financial institutions, representing over EUR33 trillion of combined assets, have released a new joint statement urging governments to protect the ocean and not proceed with deep seabed mining until the environmental, social and economic risks are comprehensively understood, and alternatives to deepsea mineralsThe DSCC is calling on all governments to stand with science and support a moratorium This includes a moratorium on the adoption of regulations for exploitation and the issuing of exploitation and new exploration contracts, unless and until the conditions laid out in our position statement are metGovernments and Parliamentarians Deep Sea Conservation
2010年2月2日· The purpose of this Position Statement is to encourage multistakeholder developmentfocused partnerships It makes explicit ICMM member companies’ commitment to actively support or help develop such partnerships at global, national and community levels ICMM hopes that an increasing number of governments, development agenciesMarine Expert Statement Calling for a Pause to DeepSea Mining Signed by 814 marine science & policy experts from over 44 countries The deep sea is home to a significant proportion of Earth’s biodiversity, with most species yet to be discovered The richness and diversity of organisms in the deep sea supports ecosystem processes necessaryDeepSea Mining Science Statement
The Government of Western Australia acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past and present2024年2月5日· Ladies and Gentlemen, As we gather here for this, the 30th Investing in African Mining Indaba, I wish to pay tribute to Dr Hage Geingob, the President of Namibia, who passed away yesterday President Geingob was one of Africa’s foremost leaders, a champion of development and progress He was a visionary leader who saw in Africa’sPresident Cyril Ramaphosa: Investing in African Mining Indaba
By and large nonmetallic nonenergy minerals fall under 'Minor' category So #1 is true Section 15 of MMDR Act, 1957 empowers state governments to frame rules for regulating the grant of quarry leases, mining leases or other mineral concessions in respect of minor minerals; accordingly all state governments and some union territories have framed2023年4月4日· WASHINGTON, DC — As part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the US Department of Energy (DOE) today announced up to $450 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to advance clean energy demonstration projects on current and former mine landsDeploying clean energy projects in mining communities across theBidenHarris Administration Announces $450 Million To Deploy
2018年9月27日· Media statement by the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr Gwede Mantashe, on the occasion of the release of the Mining Charter, 2018 Today’s gazetting of the Mining Charter,2018 is the culmination of seven months of intensive engagements with stakeholders in the industry; that includes mining companies, investors, miningWe are working with the mining industry, government representatives and civil society organisations to reduce corruption risks The environmental impact statement is crucial for governments to decide whether to give a mining project the green light and how to protect the environment and communities from any harm that project may causeAccountable Mining Australia Transparency International
2021年9月10日· Advertisement THE Papua LNG Project, New Porgera Mine, WafiGolpu Mine, P’nyang LNG, Pasca LNG and Pandora LNG are the six major resource projects the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Government is focused on, Prime Minister James Marape says Marape said this in response to Treasurer Ian LingStuckey’s ministerial statement on2014年10月20日· The Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources is concerned about the scale of illegal coal mining at a derelict mine in Osizweni, outside Newcastle in KwaZuluNatal province Last week on Friday, 17 October 2014 the Committee met with entities of the Department of Mineral Resources including Mintek, Council for Geoscience and MineParliament on illegal coal mining | South African Government
Yohei Kono The Kono Statement refers to a statement released by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yōhei Kōno on August 4, 1993, after the conclusion of the government study that found that the Japanese Imperial Army had forced women, known as comfort women, to work in militaryrun brothels during World War IIThe Japanese government had initially