2012年5月1日· Over 15 Mt of dumped slags, including converter slag flotation tailings, which contain up to 6000 t copper and 60,000 t zinc, are produced yearly by the copper2022年6月1日· The metal in copper slag was recovered by flotation • Sodium carbonate and mechanical activation strengthen flotation • The mechanism of activated flotationCopper recovery from copper slags through flotation enhanced by
2023年8月1日· Copper slags are a byproduct generated from copper extraction Rich in iron oxide, silica, calcium oxide, and alumina, copper slags are mostly stockpiled or2018年8月1日· 14 Citations Explore all metrics Abstract Converter copper slag can be viewed as an important secondary resource for valuable metals, considering its highCharacterization and Recovery of Copper from Converter Copper
2018年8月30日· This study was designed to recover copper and cobalt hydrometallurgically from an enriched concentrate of flotation and2021年3月12日· Recovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slags via Reduction–Sulfurization Smelting Using Spent Pot Lining as the Reductant | SemanticRecovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slags via
2007年2月1日· The recovery of copper and cobalt from ancient copper slags from the Küre region of Turkey was investigated A fayalitictype of ancient copper slag containing 124% Cu, 053% Co and 5316% Fe were subjected to an experimental study Two different routes were followed to recover the metal values The first route was roasting the slag2018年8月1日· Characterization of Copper Slag From Table I, the contents of copper (Cu) and sulfur (S) are 449 and 053 pct, respectively, with a Cu/S ratio of 847This value does not match the Cu/S ratio of the matte (Cu 2 S: 396), suggesting that most of the copper contained in the slag is not in the form of entrained matte In addition, the magnetite (FeCharacterization and Recovery of Copper from Converter Copper
2007年2月1日· The recovery of copper and cobalt from ancient copper slags from the Küre region of Turkey was investigated A fayalitictype of ancient copper slag containing 124% Cu, 053% Co and 5316% Fe2020年1月1日· Namibia Custom Smelters (NCS) process a range of copper concentrates in their three furnaces, namely; top submerged lance, copper converter and reverberatory furnaces, in order to produce mattes and fayalitic slags The copper content of the slags range between 08 to 5 wt % and this is considered too high for disposal to theEnhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in smelter slags
2020年11月11日· Currently, almost all plants converted to autogenous smelting of coppercontaining concentrates use flotation of converter slags (CS) while leaving 055–090% Cu in tailings that exceeds the industrial copper ore content Most of the iron, zinc, lead and silicate components of CS enter dumps The resultant converter slag concentrate (CSC)2018年8月30日· The recommended technological parameters for leaching of copper (the most important component) from converter slag flotation tailings are: pulp density of 30% (w/v), pH 15, temperature of 70 °CRecovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slag with a New Flotation
2016年3月3日· Abstract Study on the effect of collectors synergism on flotation recovery of copper from copper smelting slags has been described in this paper After analysis of flotation tests, modeling of copper recovery from slags containing this metal was done Following the model validation, optimization of effective parameters on Cu recovery was2019年4月1日· The dominating copper phases in the slag are Cu, Cu2 O and CuFeO 2 (XRD and SEMEDS) Leaching copper from these phases using sulfuric acid has a fast dissolution kinetics Smaller particle size, higher temperature (up to 40 °C) and increasing mixing power (up to 026 kW/m 3) enhance the leaching kineticsSulfuric acid leaching for capturing value from copper rich converter
2009年1月31日· If grinding is not fine enough for efficient flotation, copper is lost in tailings In this paper, the ferric leaching of slag flotation tailings is studied Copper extractions of 66% are achieved2023年8月1日· The annual slag generation from the copper smelters reached a value of 43 million tonnes copper in the year 2020 (US [102]) The contribution of Asia to the global production of copper smelters saw a steep rise from 27% in 1990 to 64% in 2020 The dominance of Asia is mostly attributed to the sudden expansion of Chinese smeltersA comprehensive review on the recovery of copper values from copper
2009年6月1日· DOI: 101016/JHYDROMET200812012 Corpus ID: ; Biorecovery of copper from converter slags: Slags characterization and exploratory ferric leaching tests @article{Carranza2009BiorecoveryOC, title={Biorecovery of copper from converter slags: Slags characterization and exploratory ferric leaching tests},2023年8月1日· Recovery of metal values from copper slags by flotation and roasting with pyrite Min Metallurg Explor, 24 (2007), pp 1318, 101007/BF View in Scopus Google Scholar Flotation of Copper from converter slags J Mines Met Fuels, 40, No (1992), pp 34 View in Scopus Google ScholarA comprehensive review on the recovery of copper values from copper
2009年1月1日· The pyrometallurgical production of copper generates slags, a residue with a significant content of this metal Copper can be recovered from the slags by froth flotation after cooling, Flotation of copper from converter slags Journal of Mine, Metal and Fuels, 40 (3–4) (1992), p 131 Google Scholar Romero et al, 20032022年4月1日· DOI: 101016/jjece2022 Corpus ID: ; Copper Recovery from Copper Slags through Flotation Enhanced by Sodium Carbonate Synergistic Mechanical Activation @article{Wang2022CopperRF, title={Copper Recovery from Copper Slags through Flotation Enhanced by Sodium Carbonate Synergistic MechanicalCopper Recovery from Copper Slags through Flotation Enhanced
2020年1月1日· The results show that under the proper conditions, the copper grade of rougher copper concentrate was increased from 643% to 1104%, iron recovery of magnetic separation was increased2002年12月1日· A mixture of flash smelter and converter slags subjected to this experimental study was taken from the feed to the flotation unit in the Black Sea Copper Works, Turkey Chemical analysis of the slag sample is: 264% Cu, 0095% Co, 067% Zn, 472% Fe, 013% Pb, 0004% Cd, 0065% Ni, 85% Si, and 13% S By examining theRecovery of copper, cobalt, and zinc from copper smelter and converter
2017年2月8日· Consequently, flotation was attempted to recycle Cu in slag containing copper sulphide components Three key factors affecting flotation were ascertained, namely, grinding fineness, the collector and the pH value, while the recovery of Cu estimated by ICP and XRF Copper concentrate grading at 1447 with 7966% Cu recovery was2017年4月11日· Highpressure oxidative acid leaching of copper converter slag, 32 converter slag, and pyrrhotite tailings, 60 nickel smelter slags, 74 and historical copper slag 75 yielded high leaching(PDF) Leaching of Metals from Flotation Tailings of a Copper
2012年5月1日· Introduction Slags are a leftover of the pyrometallurgical stages of recovery of nonferrous metals from sulfide materials Production of 1 t of copper results on average in formation of 22 t of slag; the annual global output of coppersmelting slags is ~ 25 Mt (Gorai et al, 2003)Due to the absence of an accepted efficient technology for2000年1月12日· Abstract This study was designed to recover copper and cobalt hydrometallurgically from an enriched concentrate of flotation and converter slag Three slag samples collected from the ErganiRecovery of Copper and Cobalt from Concentrate and Converter Slag
2023年1月1日· In principle, the same conditions apply to the flotation of CS as to the flotation of sulfide ores In the flotation of copper slags, only metallic copper and sulfide copper compounds can be recovered Since copper in some slags is in the form of oxide compounds, other metals (Co, Zn, Ni, etc) are included in the slag as oxide compoundsNamibia Custom Smelters (NCS) process a range of copper concentrates in their three furnaces, namely; top submerged lance, copper converter and reverberatory furnaces, in order to produce mattes and fayalitic slags The copper content of the slags range between 08 to 5 wt % and this is considered too high for disposal to the environmentEnhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in smelter slags
2019年12月31日· The slags produced from the NCS furnaces (TSL furnace, copper converter, reverberatory furnace) contain copper ranging between 08 to 5% w/w Due to this high content of copper, the slags are milled and floated to recover the copper The main drawback in the current process is that the final flotation tailings grades are inDOI: 101016/JMINENG200312004 Corpus ID: ; The recovery of copper, by flotation, from calciumferritebased slags made in continuous pilot plant smelting trials @article{Bruckard2004TheRO, title={The recovery of copper, by flotation, from calciumferritebased slags made in continuous pilot plant smelting trials}, author={Warren JohnThe recovery of copper, by flotation, from calciumferritebased slags
• Copper Flotation From Slow Cooled Converter Slag The results of flotation tests on slags cooled in air and in an induction furnace are shown in Table 23 Table 2 Grinding and flotation data for slags cooled in air Grinding Flotation Slag Time, min Distribution, size Product Analysis, pct Cu Distribution, pct Cu A 10 94 pct minus 年5月12日· Thionocarbamates are the group of collectors that are mostly used for flotation of sulphide copper minerals, alone or in combination with xanthates depending on a mineralogical composition of the ore In this paper, the results of the study of application of thionocarbamates in copper slag flotation are presented Chemical analysis of smelterApplication of Thionocarbamates in Copper Slag Flotation MDPI
The treatment of two types of industrial metallurgical waste (copper converter slag and old flotation pyrite tailings) containing nonferrous and precious metals were examined in the laboratory Leaching of the slag containing 274% Cu (as digenite, bornite, and free metal) and 249% Zn (as a ferrite ZnFe2O4 and silicate) by an Fe3+containing2004年3月1日· Recovery of Copper and Silver by Flotation from Smelting Copper Slags Xian Xie K Hou X Tong Y Zhou X Lv Materials Science 2014 The recovery of copper from smeltery furnace slag by flotation has been studied By analysis the slag containing 161% copper and 2780g/t silver is available to recoveryRecovery of copper from reverberatory furnace slag by flotation
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Flotation of copper from converter slags" by G V Rao et al Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu Semantic Scholar's Logo Search 215,828,331 papers from all fields of science Search Sign In Create Free Account2016年5月6日· Cu smelters produce two slags: smelting furnace slag with 1–2% Cu and converter slag with 4–8% Cu Discard of these slags would waste considerable Cu, so they are almost always treated for CuNumerical simulation of copper recovery from converter slags
2009年6月1日· Recovery of metal values, from copper converter and smelter slags by ferric chloride leaching Hydrometallurgy, 5 (4) (1980), pp 355365 Flotation of copper from converter slags Journal of Mine, Metal & Fuels, 40 (3–4) (1992), p 131 Google Scholar Romero et al, 20032002年12月1日· Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Recovery of copper, cobalt, and zinc from copper smelter and converter slags" by C Arslan et al Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu Semantic Leaching of copper and zinc from copper converter slag flotation tailings using H2SO4 and biologically generatedRecovery of copper, cobalt, and zinc from copper smelter and converter
ARTICLE IN PRESS HYDROM02944; No of Pages 7 Hydrometallurgy xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Hydrometallurgy j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w e l s ev i e r c o m / l o c a t e / h yd r o m e t Biorecovery of copper from converter slags: Slags characterization and exploratory ferric leaching tests F Carranza, R2007年2月1日· The recovery of copper and cobalt from ancient copper slags from the Küre region of Turkey was investigated A fayalitictype of ancient copper slag containing 124% Cu, 053% Co and 5316% Fe were subjected to an experimental study Two different routes were followed to recover the metal values The first route was roasting the slagRecovery of metal values from copper slags by flotation and
2022年4月1日· Flotation is extensively used to recover copper and other metals from smelter slags [35,36] Flotation with xanthate collectors enhanced by chemical and mechanical activation is applied to recoverConsequently, flotation was attempted to recycle Cu in slag containing copper sulphide components Three key factors affecting flotation were ascertained, namely, grinding fineness, the collector and the pH value, while the recovery of Cu estimated by ICP and XRF Copper concentrate grading at 1447 with 7966% Cu recovery was obtained, in theThe Recovery of Copper from Smelting Slag by Flotation Process
2002年12月1日· Metal contents of smelter and converter slags, which materialize in copper smelting plants, are very high and should be recovered from an economic viewpoint The aim of this research is to investigate the possibility of recovering Cu, Co, and Zn present in the slag through a pyrohydrometallurgical route as an alternative to flotation2009年6月1日· According to the differences of chemical compositions of various slags, different processing methods are put into practice to recover copper Flotation (Roa and Nayak, 1992;Sarrafi et al, 2004Biorecovery of copper from converter slags: Slags
2022年6月1日· The regulator used was anhydrous sodium carbonate provided by Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co, Ltd, China Both SBX and terpineol are industrialgrade, while the sodium carbonate is analyticalgrade The copper slag samples used in this study were the mixture of converter copper slags and old slags Flotation principle2018年8月16日· Abstract We describe the use of sulfiding agents to achieve a significant increase in the level of metal recovery during the smelting of copper concentrates and matte conversion In theMetal Recovery from Converter Slags Using a Sulfiding Agent